Saturday, 1 September 2012


Hello guys!  Putting an "i" before your name was once a HUGE trend lasting a LONG time! ( Some examples: iTapeYou, iFire, iWaffle, and iAwesome ) This name trend had over hundreds people using it! That's insane! But every trend must come to an end... The "i" Before your name is now going out of style! People have been changing their names, and the number of "i" names are decreasing! I recommend changing your name soon before all of the good ones are taken!                                         ~ Dekka                                                      


  1. lol thats so true
    btw this is Brittany_Pierce/SeraphinaMEOW/Elastic.KITTEN

  2. This is --Lovely-- / LovelyKicks :P And Dekka? I think thats true 0-0

  3. please add me , im kristinaboo on chit chat city c: awesome blog !
